Gigi Souritizidis RTT, C.Hyp, NLP, NAP on Emotions Win Over Logic | Elite Coaching
Emotions Win Over Logic

Did you know that your subconscious thoughts create feelings and those feelings create emotions, and sometimes you have no idea where those emotions came from and all of a sudden you’re in a bad mood, or you find yourself stuffing a muffin in your mouth when you weren’t even hungry.

Those emotions often cause you to do things that you wish you hadn’t, but yet they keep showing up.  These patterns that you create are very hard to break.

Consciously you ask yourself, why did I do that again? Here is something to consider, emotions will win over logic any day of the week, especially when you create a pattern of habit. An untamed emotion can truly cause you a lot of anxiety, and stress.  It will take some hard work and patience, but being mindful of your emotions, and recognizing the behaviors that follow them, is your first step.

My job as a Rapid Transformational Therapist is to help you access your subconscious mind through hypnosis. There are tools we can use to train your mind to behave in a more rational way by offering positive suggestions, and positive thoughts that allow you to take the control back. The result allows you to make better decisions, and live a happier life.

Think of your subconscious mind, as an unruly child running around doing anything it wants. As much as you try to control it, it is nearly impossible because you simply don’t know how. No one ever gave you the manual on how to do this. You get frustrated and life seems to be chaotic at times and as a result, you throw your hands up and settle. You’ve heard the expression, being comfortably miserable. This is when you settle for whatever happens outside of your control.

I have a client who came to me for procrastination, and the reason why this was happening was to keep him from feeling overwhelmed. It was his way of keeping the stress down but that was actually causing him more stress, the complete opposite of what he wanted. He wanted to be motivated and get his business to take off and become successful. His unruly inner child kept him sleeping and emotionally detached.

I had another client who wanted to be healthy and fit, but managed to add an excess of 40 pounds during her marital struggles. While in therapy, she realized that the weight played a very important role in her life. That role was to make herself unattractive to her abusive husband, so he would leave her alone. It was insulation from the insults, and food became her comfort.  This is another situation where the mind, actually did the opposite of what the client wanted. She needed to tame the wild emotions running around carelessly in order to create a healthy lifestyle.

The mind figures out ways to keep you out of pain, and move you towards pleasure. However, the very thing that is keeping you less stressed, perhaps sleeping all day, is actually causing more stress. I call this an emotional loop, but there is always a loophole. An escape in any situation, you just need to learn techniques to train the mind to want to change.

This is why hypnotherapy is so important. It gives someone an opportunity to turn off the Logical mind for a moment, even though it does its very best to help by saying things like, STOP eating! You had enough! Don’t buy that! But, ends up losing most of the time. That goes back to what I said earlier, emotions would win over logic. It is so important to have a heart to heart conversation with the subconscious mind, and give it better suggestions and reasons to harness those emotions. Results are better in a hypnotic state, because the subconscious mind will let you know how to fix the problem.

How would it feel, if you had control over your negative thoughts, and never had to worry about your emotions sabotaging you? Really think about how good life could be. Sometimes it seems impossible, but Rapid Transformational Therapy could very well be the answer.

Think of your subconscious mind, as an unruly child running around doing anything it wants. As much as you try to control it, it is nearly impossible because you simply don’t know how. No one ever gave you the manual on how to do this. You get frustrated and life seems to be chaotic at times and as a result, you throw your hands up and settle. You’ve heard the expression, being comfortably miserable. This is when you settle for whatever happens outside of your control.

I have a client who came to me for procrastination, and the reason why this was happening was to keep him from feeling overwhelmed. It was his way of keeping the stress down but that was actually causing him more stress, the complete opposite of what he wanted. He wanted to be motivated and get his business to take off and become successful. His unruly inner child kept him sleeping and emotionally detached.

I had another client who wanted to be healthy and fit, but managed to add an excess of 40 pounds during her marital struggles. While in therapy, she realized that the weight played a very important role in her life. That role was to make herself unattractive to her abusive husband, so he would leave her alone. It was insulation from the insults, and food became her comfort.  This is another situation where the mind, actually did the opposite of what the client wanted. She needed to tame the wild emotions running around carelessly in order to create a healthy lifestyle.

The mind figures out ways to keep you out of pain, and move you towards pleasure. However, the very thing that is keeping you less stressed, perhaps sleeping all day, is actually causing more stress. I call this an emotional loop, but there is always a loophole. An escape in any situation, you just need to learn techniques to train the mind to want to change.

This is why hypnotherapy is so important. It gives someone an opportunity to turn off the Logical mind for a moment, even though it does its very best to help by saying things like, STOP eating! You had enough! Don’t buy that! But, ends up losing most of the time. That goes back to what I said earlier, emotions would win over logic. It is so important to have a heart to heart conversation with the subconscious mind, and give it better suggestions and reasons to harness those emotions. Results are better in a hypnotic state, because the subconscious mind will let you know how to fix the problem.

How would it feel, if you had control over your negative thoughts, and never had to worry about your emotions sabotaging you? Really think about how good life could be. Sometimes it seems impossible, but Rapid Transformational Therapy could very well be the answer.